Agriturismo La Dolza

"Ogni istante lieto sia, qui in tua compagnia"



Horse Riding

The Equituristico centre La Dolza plans horse riding classes with western riding, for both adults and kids (from 3 years old), both for beginners and experts. Our staff is qualified with ENGEA license, National Environmental Equestrian Guides Organization. Our instructors can speak English, German and French.

For begginers we plans a horse riding class inside the Ranch.
Duration: 1 hour

For who wishes to deepen, there is the possibility to customize offers of the duration of 10 classes.

Walks and Trekking

For expert people we plan walks and trekkings outside the structure; to participate it is necessary to have experience and be able to go by horse.
These are the trails proposed:
■ Walk in the countryside around the agriturismo, going through the Ippovia of Prealpi Trevigiane and the vineyards of Prosecco Superiore DOCG.
Duration: 3 hours
Difficulty: medium-easy
Price: on request

■ Trekking on the lakes of Revine:
Starting from the stables of La Dolza in the saddle of our horses and accompanied by Enrico, equestrian expert guide, you can explore the breathtaking valley called Valsana that extends from Vittorio Veneto to Valdobbiadene. Along the route there is the Archeological Park of Livelet, a rebuilt pile-dwelling village. Once you have reach the lakes a pic-nic is planned with the products of Agriturismo La Dolza and packed lunch. Return to the Ranch.
Duration: 6/8 hours
Difficulty: medium-high
Price: on request

■ The trekking "Between sky and land": is part of the circuit of the Ippovie Trevigiane e Bellunesi recognized by Veneto Region. We call it "Trekking between sky and land" because it is halfway to the mountains peak and the sea, visible to the horizon.
Starting in the morning from Agriturismo La Dolza with stop in a mountain hut for lunch. In the late afternoon arrive at the Hut, accomodation of horses and riders. Dinner with local products and overnight stay.
8:30 rich breakfast with local products of the hut and then restart.
Stop at the hut for lunch and return to Ranch La Dolza about 17:30/18:00.
Duration: 2 days
Difficulty: it is medium, therefore horses and riders need a preparation and a medium-high level exercise.
Price: on request

Cooking Class

Agriturismo La Dolza plans cooking class to know and learn more about the italian cuisine and the typical specialities of Veneto Region.
These are the courses proposed:

■ Bread, focaccia and grissini with ancient grains
With our chef Pier, we will learn the process of the creation of the dough, the phases of leavening and the correct cooking to get excelent leavened products and baked products.
Final tasting
Duration: 2 hours
Price: on request

■ Learn how to cook a typical Italian lunch!
The morning will start with the preparation of a focaccia, a traditional Italian recipe. Every region in Italy jealously guards its traditional focaccia recipe, which may be savoury or sweet, filled with cold cuts and cheese or topped with cherry tomatoes and oregano. One thing is sure, the main ingredient of focaccia is always what Italians refer to as ‘liquid gold’: extra virgin olive oil.
After that you will learn how to make the ‘Pappardelle’, a type of Italian pasta characterized by the large size of its broad. They will be paired with homemade tomato sauce. To finish off on a sweet note, we will prepare a delicious Tiramisù. You may be surprised to learn that it was created in 1970 in Treviso!

At the end of the morning you will sit down to lunch all together to taste the dishes that you have prepared.

Your lunch will be paired with quality Prosecco Superiore di Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG.
Duration: 3 hours

Learn how to make artisanal gelato!

Discover the secrets and techniques of these quintessential Italian specialities with a local chef.
This specialized workshop is designed for groups of minimum 4 and maximum 8 people to allow for an interactive, hands-on format.
The morning will begin with a gelato-making course where you will learn what makes artisanal gelato so special.
First a short description about the differences between artisanal gelato and ice cream, then you will enter in the laboratory and you will see how gelato is made.

Duration: 1 hour
Price: on request

Bike Tour

Thanks to Italy Cycling Tour you can visit our stunning territory on a bike!
A fleet of quality rental bikes suitable for all disciplines of cycling with road bikes, electric bikes, gravel or hybrid pedal assisted and MTB, both for adults and children.

If you want to try an unique and an unforgettable experience on a bicycle, you must come and explore on a bike the Prosecco Route. The Prosecco Route is a circular path that links some of the most picturesque villages of the Hills of Prosecco, World Heritage UNESCO. Along the Hills between Conegliano and Valdobbiadene you will enjoy stunning views, viticultural landscape, medieval castles and historical churches and buildings. In particular Wine Lovers will be able to enjoy sparkling experiences in the wineries of Prosecco Superiore DOCG and taste the gastronomical specialities.

For further information, visit the site

Degustazione in Vigna

Non può mancare l’assaggio del Prosecco Superiore Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG!
E qual’è il post migliore per degustarlo, se non in vigneto? Collaboriamo con una cantina che organizza una suggestiva e caratteristica degustazione in vigna, nel bel mezzo delle Colline del Prosecco Superiore.
La degustazione prevede l'assaggio guidato di 3 tipologie di Prosecco Superiore abbinato ai formaggi e i salumi di nostra produzione. Serviti con grissini e pane casereccio.

Relax alla Princess Spa a Castelbrando

La Princess Spa è situata all’interno delle antiche mura di Castelbrando e affacciata sulle suggestive Colline del Prosecco, si estende su 2000 metri quadrati. La storia è profondamente intrecciata con l’antico passato, beneficia delle acque cristalline di tre sorgenti che venivano condotte al castello attraverso un antico acquedotto romano.

Durante gli scavi archeologici nella zona, è stata scoperta un’antica terme romane, completa di un sistema di riscaldamento a ipocausto sotto il pavimento. Grazie all’approvazione della Soprintendenza, questa preziosa scoperta è stata splendidamente restaurata e oggi costituisce il fulcro della Princess Spa. Offre assoluto relax e benessere in una cornice unica tra antichi reperti, giardini esclusivi e terrazze panoramiche.

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Headquarters: Via La Dolza, 7 - Valmareno di Follina ( TV )
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Phone: 043885940
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