Agriturismo La Dolza

"Ogni istante lieto sia, qui in tua compagnia"


Equestrian Trails

Horse Riding Lessons

Horse Riding Lessons

Ranch La Dolza organizes horse riding lessons with western riding both for adults and for children (from 3 years old).
Our staff is qualified with ENGEA license (National Environmental Equestrian Guide Organization).
The riding school is open every day, on reservation.
Our instructors can speak English, German, French and Spanish.
For further information, call the number 335 5304304.
Trails and trekkings by horse

Trails and trekkings by horse

The Equituristico center La Dolza offers trekkings by horse in the various itineraries of the Pedemontana Veneta. The routes extend from the Revine Lakes to the mountain huts at high altitude along the path of The Great War and descend to the Piave River, through the lands of Prosecco Superiore DOCG, walking the Prealpi Trevigiane and Bellunesi horse trail. 

Trekking at the lakes of Revine

Trekking at the lakes of Revine

Starting from the stables of La Dolza in the saddle of our horses and accompanied by Enrico equestrian expert guide, you can explore the breathtaking valley called Valsana. This extends from Vittorio Veneto to Valdobbiadene arriving to the Revine Lakes in less than 3 hours.

A pic-nic is planned, made by our chef, by the lake and restart towards the Ranch La Dolza, arriving in the late afternoon. 
Duration: 6/8 hours
Difficulty: medium-high
Cost: on request

Next planned dates: spring 2024
For information and reservations, call the number 349 2426013.
The mountain hut trekking "Between sky and land"

The mountain hut trekking "Between sky and land"

The path takes part of the horse trail of Prealpi Trevigiane e Bellunesi recognized by the Veneto Region. We call it "Trekking between sky and land" because it is halfway to the mountains peak and the sea, visible to the horizon.

The first day the route includes an altitude difference of 1000 meters, from an altitude 300 mt slm of Valmareno di Follina, village where la Dolza is located, we arrive at an altitude 1400 mt slm for a stop to take horses and riders refreshment. After the stop, we restart to the path in the wood to reach the peak of the mountain, on the Cesen massive, at altitude 1650 mt slm.
After having put the horses in the boxes, we are given the pleasure to taste some excellent cheese made from the hut that hosts us. In the morning the trekking starts to arrive at the Cesen massive tops, between cows and woods, we are immersed in enchanting landscapes floating between land and sky halfway, between the lagoon of Venice and the Dolomites.
The trekking can last more days according to the directions you want to take, moving towards the Bellunese Valley or coming back towards the Treviso Plain.

Difficulty: it is medium, therefore horses and riders need a preparation and a medium-high level exercise.
Duration: 2 days 
Cost: on request
Next planned dates: spring 2024

*** Possibility to participate with your own horse ***
For further information and registrations call the number 3492426013.

Equituristico Guide Course

The Equituristico Guide is a person that starts his path to become an Environmental Equestrian Guide, trained to accompany his students for a walk on tested and safe routes of the maximum duration of one day and offers basic horse riding classes 

DATE OF THE COURSE: spring 2024

For information and registrations

Environmental Equestrian Guide Course

It's a professional of trail riding and promoter of the territory, fundamental and basic role in the project "Certificated Italian Ippovie."

DATE OF THE COURSE: spring 2024

For information and reservations
Horse riding: sport that helps body and mind

Horse riding: sport that helps body and mind

Sport, it is said, is good for body, helping it to keep health and effective.
Horse riding, initially sport reserved to "few elected", now practised by a lot of people and affordable for everyone, does not make any exceptions. The benefits you get are many and include the whole body. Not to mention that taking some time to spend in contact with the horse and nature does not have price, especially with very tight rhythms of life we go through. Riding in the woods, in the countryside and along the vineyards, far from the cities it's a pleasure that has started in the last years.
Working in combination with such an amazing animal, like the horse, helps morally and physically.
Which are the beneficts that brings horse riding?

- Strong muscle develpment since during the riding various muscle groups are taken into account, especially abs, dorsals and lubosacrals. Such muscles contract according to the horse speed rhythm, improving the tone and elasticity. Even pubic muscles, glutes and the legs muscles are taken into account, which strenghten and get more resistence. Furthermore, the shoulders muscles take benefit, especially biceps and triceps. 

- Helps the cardiovascular system with great benefit of the cardiac activity and the blood vessels, the heartbeats increase, indeed, in close relationship with the horse speed, requiring as a consequence a more physically demanding to who rides. It also improves the cardiac pump setting, the blood pressure and improving the pulmonary ventilation. 

- Improves attention and concentration, the sense of direction, interest, memory, reflections, agility, dexterity and balance. In this case horse riding is a particular sport suitable for anxious and understressed people.

- An equestrian walk at good pace of medium gallop is helpful to keep in shape, to lose weight and burn calories. The calorie burn is approximately of 2,8 calories per hour per kg of body weight. If it is trotting, 4 calories; at gallop you can even reach 6,3 calories per hour per kg of body weight. 

Horse riding is a sport discipline that is held with the guide of a capable and prepared instructor, so do not suspect who improvises or who has no horse riding experience.
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